So. I've found out this morning that my Great Grandma passed away yesterday. My great grandma was my grandma's mom.
She was 94 years old. I'd say she lived a pretty long life.
Well talking to my cousin Daniella, I came across some old photos from my grandma's side and my grandpa's side of the family...in which a couple had to do with WWII. The first photo pictured is of my Great Grandpa, he was my grandpa's father. This was a caption that was found under the last picture and in my Cousin Daniella's words.
"My great grandfather was a Captain in the army during WWII. He was an emergency medic directly behind the frontlines. He was with a troop that liberated one of the death camps nobody knew existed. Imagine being a Jewish doctor liberating a death camp...
This is the envelope of a letter he sent my grandfather on his 9th birthday"
My Grandpa Ted has also appeared on other posts in my blog. He's inspired me in so many ways. But this letter was written for him.
Looking through these photo's have been somewhat emotional for me since I've found out about my Great Grandmothers (GGB's) death. But she always seemed to have such high spirits I can't help but smile when looking through the captured moments of her life.
Here's some more pictures that I've come across...

From Top to Bottom
The top photo is of GGB
The second to the top photo is of Milt and GGB
The second to the bottom is of my Great Granmother and a cat
The bottom is of my Grandma Richie and My Grandpa Ted on their wedding day.
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