Thursday, November 6, 2008

This Voice Within

"You don't realize what you have until it's gone..." This was one of the themes in a short story titled The Sutton Pie Safe. I myself have gone through losing something only then to realize that it ment more to me than I realized. What I lost was---my voice. Singing has been apart of my life since I was a young child. Wether I was singing disney songs at the age of seven to the movie Pochahontas, or when I was 16 and singing songs that I have wrote myself. I was always constantly singing. I sang so much that I overstressed my vocal cords and I got what ever singer's worst nightmare is--vocal nodules. Vocal nodules are a build up of tissue on the vocal cords making it hard for one person to sing. One can get it by smoking, screaming, talking too loudly...or overusing the voice. However,
I was very very lucky in the sense that mine were so acute, that if I didn't sing for awhile I would be able to heal it, instead of having to undergo surgery to be rid of them.
For 6 months I couldn't sing, that was a nightmare I lived with. But since it's been roughly around two years since my incident. I've learned how to take care of my voice. I now fully appreciate what I have, and I'm not going to let it get taken away from me again. Finally I can now bring forth This Voice, My Voice Within.


Shauna Ohhh said...

Shauna, i love your voice, and i love the passion you have to use it. :)

Daniel DeBoer said...

Not much to say, but it's refreshing for someone to realize how important something is. Simply because of the fact that it is yours.

Erin said...

Shauna, you have an amazing voice, I'm glad you stuck with not singing for that long in order to get it back. I also think some people don't realize what they have untill it's gone, and they take it for granted. I have gone through something similar, and I know its tough when you lose it. Aweosme blog!

Alyssa said...

That first quote you have is so true. And I think it is so great that you got your singing voice back. I like to sing to and I don't know what I would do if I were to lose it.

Great post!